Saturday, February 28, 2009

Launch of the Academic GPS

Well, here it is. The launch of the Academic GPS. What is the Academic GPS? It is a metaphor on teaching and learning for the next century, given where we have come from, where we are today and the implications of the future use of technology to support lifelong learning.

The internet and technology innovation has brought upon us a new opportunity to map educational possibilities. Like a navigational device on my car dashboard, that has been architected and built from the Satellites down to the earth to help one see the earth's landscape, we need a similar design to scale the boundaries and navigational needs of 21st century learner as they transverse learning content, delivery and comprehension across their checkpoints intertwined by destinations and purpose. It will offer personalization, while addressing the connections to communities, networks and resources globally.

The AcademicGPS is a vision at this point. One that starts with recognizing the existing boundaries of formal and informal learning bridging individuals and the institutions they attend to accumulate credentials from. Viewing the horizon from the GPS, the landscape becomes clearer as we approach, like the pixels on a video, they discern the rendering of color, contrast and brightness.

And, the need to create a common means to bridge the boundaries of learning, by connecting the points to allow one to navigate across them like a GPS in my car or on my cell phone is a pursuit and passion of mine.

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